Feb 28, 2021
I know it’s still a week away until Mothering Sunday, on 14th March 2021, but I want you to think about what you’re going to do to celebrate you.
Let’s face it the last 12 months for mothers have been particularly challenging; home schooling, working from home, managing all sorts of crazy emotions, trying to be a...
Feb 28, 2021
Inequality in relationships is all around us. Simply think back to the playground. We don't often think of marriages as being equal or unequal relationships, because our friends say that they should be equal. They're a partnership. Two people working together as a team. But in many instances it's just not the case. And...
Feb 28, 2021
Let me ask you this: does your soon to be ex-husband tell you frequently how lucky you are to have had the lifestyle that you've enjoyed during the course of your marriage?
Feb 28, 2021
Divorce can feel unfair, right from the get go. Whether you're the lady who wants to leave or your husband has left you, divorce can feel unfair.
This is not what you signed up
for when you got married. But now you're stuck in the middle of divorce
and it just doesn't feel fair.
happens to property money, your...
Feb 28, 2021
The concept of fairness can be seen differently, depending on your perspective. In this episode I encourage you to be fair to yourself. Because when it comes just fairness to yourself, it's all about subjectivity.